Lead your
child to success

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Provide your child with the best academic support

• Increase your child’s confidence

• Develop your child’s independence

• Minimize your stress

• Help monitor your child comprehension & progress by watching the session with your child

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Online tutoring – a positive learning experience

1. Self-paced learning

Find the most suitable time for learning for you & your child.

2. Personalized approach with trusted educators

Experience the best learning methods at ease.

3. A safe learning environment

To guarantee online safety, e-ducateme ensures the instructors have undergone the necessary checks making them suitable to work and have contact with your children.

Provide your child with the full attention he needs.

Meet and connect with our tutors who are ready to help in any areas of need – whether it’s homework, studying for a test, learning a foreign language, or building new skills.

Explore our instructors

Why e-ducateme?

Fulfill your child’s potential on a schedule that works best for you.
Use e-ducateme to help your children succeed and feel supported by trusted educators.

Our instructors are available 24/7 to help students get better grades and be ready for their tests.

  • Academic report

    e-ducateme provides a convenient tracking system, allowing you to be more involved in your child’s education.

  • Interactive online tutoring

    Students have more learning options, fewer obstacles to learning.

  • Comfortable learning environment

    e-ducateme motivates students to take charge of their learning.

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